Challenge Details

- Name
- I Am Legion
- Subtitle
- Week 5
- Challenge Series
- Weekly Themed Solos 2
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Solo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Week 5 - I Am Legion
"Little is known about the geth in the time between the Morning War and the present. The geth did not repopulate the now barren quarian worlds, instead choosing to exist in the computer hubs aboard massive space stations and extract needed resources from asteroids. They adopted an extremely isolationist attitude - any ships that ventured into geth space were immediately attacked and destroyed. While they prevented any contact by other races with themselves, the geth monitored communications and the extranet.
The geth continued development of new technology and variations of mobile platforms, separating their technology base from the rest of the galaxy. They obtained an ultimate goal in this time period - to create a Dyson Sphere-like object, which could house every single geth program.
Approximately three centuries after the Morning War, the geth were approached by the Reaper Nazara, also called Sovereign. It offered them technology that would aid them in achieving their goal, in exchange for their assistance in capturing the Citadel and letting the Reaper invasion begin. The majority of the geth dismissed the offer, deeming it better to accomplish their goal with their own technology rather than be dependent on another race’s technology. These geth discarded what they called the "superstitious title" of the Reapers, and simply called them the Old Machines."
The true geth became interested in Commander Shepard, as Shepard had defeated Nazara and the heretics. They commissioned a unique mobile platform, holding 1183 programs rather than the normal hundred or so, to operate independently and go looking for Shepard. This geth retraced Shepard’s footsteps, from Eden Prime to Virmire to Ilos, occasionally having to face the spawn of the old machines on its own. It did just fine. Its name was Legion.
- Full extraction on Firebase Ghost vs Reapers
- Earn 20 headshots
Note: This challenge goes out to ex-Clusum. Congrats on completing all original weekly challenges on Legendary difficulty. This is the challenge he chose for week 5! (I guess this means completing it on platinum as tribute!)
- Map
- Ghost
- Enemy
- Reapers
- Characters & Weapons
- Geth Engineer | Geth Plasma SMG | N7 Piranha