Challenge Details

- Name
- Last Enemies Standing
- Subtitle
- Set 9.III Bonus
- Challenge Series
- Themed Duo Challenges 1
- Bonus?
- YES (this challenge is not required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Duo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Set 9 - The Rise and Fall of Cerberus Part 1
Challenge III - Last Enemies StandingThe sudden occupation of the Cerberus station on Sanctum by the Collectors came without warning. The initial attack came in waves and the damages and casualties suffered were great. Cerberus and Alliance set aside their differences on that day. Humanity was the target. If anything, the attacks supported and heated Cerberus' arguments against alien cultures and specifically against alien threats.
Two Nemeses were instrumental in the defense of the bewildered station.
- On Gold, earn 20 Headshots, 3 waves survived medal
- On Platinum, Mission Successful
This challenge set goes out to bgsam and Hendrix who have done many Cerberus imitation solos and inspired these.
- Map
- Glacier
- Enemy
- Collectors
- Characters & Weapons
- N7 Shadow | M-13 Raptor | M-358 Talon