Challenge Details

- Name
- Rise of the Phoenix (Casual-Hardcore-Epic)
- Subtitle
- Week 10
- Challenge Series
- Weekly Themed Solos 1
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Solo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Week 10: Rise of the Phoenix
A result of the Illusive Man's early experiments in enhanced human physiology, Project Phoenix subjects are highly skilled combat and biotic specialists. However, when the Illusive Man turned to indoctrination in order to ensure the loyalty of his troops, many Phoenix operatives defected and joined the Alliance in order to stop the Reapers.
Following defection and a difficult escape from Cerberus, one of the Illusive Man’s prodigy adepts was having his biotic implants repaired and further upgraded at the Huerta Memorial Hospital when the Reapers hit. At dawn, the health care team returned to check the biotic’s vitals and the pheonix was gone. Minutes later, his location was understood…
- Full Extraction vs Cerberus on Firebase Dagger.
Note: This one goes out to Zyzimorph and MasterReefa - THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
- Map
- Dagger
- Enemy
- Cerberus
- Characters & Weapons
- Phoenix Adept | Cerberus Harrier
- Variants
- 2