Challenge Details

- Name
- The Gozu District (Veteran-Insanity-Legendary)
- Subtitle
- Week 16
- Challenge Series
- Weekly Themed Solos 1
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Solo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Week 16: The Gozu District
The Gozu District is a residential area on one of the lower levels of Omega. This district has been historically controlled by the Blue Suns, one of the mercenary organizations of Omega that keep the residents in line as well as safe from oposing gangs.
The Blue Suns have a reputation of being discreet and ruthlessly efficient. Blue Suns mercenaries often have a tattoo of a blue sun somewhere on their body. During high-risk jobs, the tattoo is removed with an acid wash to prevent them being identified, then reapplied once the job is complete.
When the Collector-spawned plague struck the slums, the Blue Suns' non-human members began to succumb and lose their strength, giving the vorcha (who were immune to the plague) an opportunity to take control.The Suns were thus forced into combat with the vorcha and krogan Blood Pack warriors; this fight, along with the plague, depleted their numbers and eroded their control of the district.
One Blue Sun recruit, a Batarian Slaver with powerful biotic ability, witnessed the Collectors disseminating the virus and proceeded to eliminate the threat in a vicious and savage defense of The Gozu District. Unfortunately, no one believed him...
- Full Extraction on Firebase Ghost vs Collector
- Must equip assault rifle omni blade if using Vindicator
- Earn 4 gold medals and 3 waves survived.
Note: Elanus Risk Control is the maker of the M15 Vindicator, a gun favored by Assassins and Elite mercenaries, and made specifically for the Blue Suns. Batarian state arms are the makers of the vicious shotgun blade attachment and assault rifle omni blade.
Also, This challenge is done by request for some Batarian action! Also, special thanks to DHKAny for sending some ideas my way. I really enjoyed coming up with this one, the Batarians and Blue Suns have such great storylines.
- Map
- Ghost
- Enemy
- Collectors
- Characters & Weapons
- Batarian Sentinel | Kishock Harpoon Gun | M-15 Vindicator