Challenge Details

Awaking the Eye of Wrath
Challenge Series
N7 Challenge Series
NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
Silver, Gold, Platinum
Challenge Type
Halls of Fame
Silver | Gold | Platinum

“Ancient krogan society was once rich with cultural, architectural, and artistic accomplishments. However, the krogan birth rate exploded despite the natural limits of their predatory homeworld once they achieved industrialization. Technology made life "too easy" for them, so when they looked for new challenges they found those in each other. Wars were fought over dwindling resources as the krogan expanded. The Krogan were reduced to primitive warring clans struggling to survive a nuclear winter of their own creation, a state that continued until they were discovered by the salarians two thousand years later. 

The krogan were liberated from their primitive state by the salarians, who "culturally uplifted" the race by giving them advanced technology and relocating them to a planet not cursed with lethal levels of radiation, toxins or deadly predators. The salarians even gave the krogan the means to stabilize Tuchanka's atmosphere by means of the Shroud.” This was not without their ulterior motives however… 

(At least in my playthrough) The genophage is cured. The krogan are once again uplifted to their days of glory and welcome the opportunity to fight new enemies for the pride of the Krant and of their offspring. Their Alliance with the salarians is renewed once more.)

This challenge goes out to C73MKrauser

In addition to general conditions, earn 3 personal gold medals and 3 Waves Survived

Characters & Weapons
Krogan Shaman | M-300 Claymore | Scorpion