Challenge Details

- Name
- Grosalgen (Finale)
- Subtitle
- Set 10, III
- Challenge Series
- Themed Duo Challenges 2
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Duo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
This frost planet looks eerily similar to Noveria.. where this whole journey began, it seems like an eternity ago. Although, being in the middle of a storm adds to the tension, just slightly. Mackenzie will take on this mission herself and she will bring along a fellow sniper, he's a bit of a savage, but the Collectors need a taste of their own medicine. The further she stays away from these possessed creatures, the better.
Conditions: Earn 20 Headshots each, plus 10 Waves Survived (on Silver and Gold) or 5 Waves Survived (on Platinum) - Map
- White (Hazard)
- Enemy
- Collectors
- Characters & Weapons
- Vorcha Hunter | Kishock Harpoon Gun
- Human Infiltrator | M-90 Indra