Challenge Details

- Name
- Kill Them!
- Subtitle
- N5.2
- Challenge Series
- N7 Challenge Series
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Solo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
“Vorcha society is built around combat. In fact, the vorcha use combat, both individually and in groups, as their default form of communication resulting in their communications being primarily non-verbal. Seeing the potential of the vorcha's individual brutality and adaptability, krogan Blood Pack mercenaries often sweep pockets of vorcha, gathering them up and literally beating them into soldiers. Vorcha "trained" by this ordeal are stronger, faster, smarter, and more resilient than other members of the race. Gaining even a few vorcha gives a mercenary band a formidable advantage; each additional vorcha magnifies the gang’s combat ferocity exponentially.”
With Aria as the Queen of Omega, she is able to focus these forces on the invading Cerberus militia to great advantage. The blow severely weakens Cerberus’ overall strength, priming for a hostile takeover of her Station.
This challenge goes out to Noeschi.
In addition to general conditions, earn 4 personal gold medals and 3 Waves Survived.
- Map
- Reactor (Hazard)
- Enemy
- Cerberus
- Characters & Weapons
- Vorcha Hunter | Blood Pack Punisher | Executioner Pistol