Challenge Details

- Name
- Old School, New School
- Subtitle
- Week 10.2
- Challenge Series
- Tales from the Trenches
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Duo
- Halls of Fame
- Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Week 10: Thessia
II. Old School, New School"Liara, again, I am sorry for Thessia."
"Thank you, Joker. What little is left of the Asari Government goes on, and we are evacuating our population centers... trying to buy us some time."
"It must be hard."
"Thankfully some of our most respected Matriarchs survived the attack – not an easy feat, when you consider some of them are now philosophers and politicians, and have forgotten more than we will ever know about war. Not everyone is like my parents, after all."
"I... hadn't thought of that."
"Which reminds me, I need to write a thank you note to the Illuminated Primacy. One of their operatives helped a Matriarch escape one of our outposts, and I believe it was no easy task."
"Oh, Blasto saved the day! I wonder how he got rewarded?"
"Thank the Goddess you are not the one writing that note, Joker."
- Mission successful vs Collectors on White
- On Gold, 100 assists, 75 biotic kills
- On Platinum, 100 assists
- Map
- White
- Enemy
- Collectors
- Characters & Weapons
- Asari Adept | Acolyte
- Drell Adept | M-98 Widow