Challenge Details

Retake Omega Chronicles, Part 3 - The Intangible is Unstoppable
Challenge Series
N7 Challenge Series
NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
Silver, Gold, Platinum
Challenge Type
Halls of Fame
Silver | Gold | Platinum

Nyreen Kandros is a Turian of strong military background, with a strong moral compass. She is the current leader of the Talons gang on Omega. However, her skills and personality have transformed the lawless gang into one with discipline and order. The gang has been extensively involved in protecting the civilians of Omega. 

When she first discovered her biotic abilities, Nyreen left the military and was forced to join the Cabal units by Turians suspicious of her biotics. The Cabals are an elite biotic Turian unit whose dictum is, "the intangible is unstoppable." As turian biotics are relatively rare, with biotic abilities manifesting in only a small percentage of element-zero exposed turians, Cabals tend to be small and only comprised of 10 to 15 individuals led by a commanding officer called a kabalim.

Nyreen performs the ultimate sacrifice defending the people of Omega during Arias attempt to retake control of her station. Prior to that, she was doing some bidding with the Asari in an attempt to locate Aria. She was tracked by Cerberus...

This challenge goes out to INVADERONE.

In addition to general conditions, earn 4 personal gold medals and 3 Waves Survived

Characters & Weapons
Turian Cabal | Phaeston | M-6 Carnifex