Challenge Details

- Name
- They Won't Know What Hit Them
- Subtitle
- Week 7.1
- Challenge Series
- Tales from the Trenches
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Duo
- Halls of Fame
- Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
Week 7: Dreadnought
I. They Won't Know What Hit Them"Tali? I am happy to report that Primarch Victus has agreed to send some support this way."
"Yes, Armiger Legion, some of the best operatives we have."
"Armiger? Never heard of them."
"They employ different tactics from other Turian units. More operational freedom, less red tape; very unconventional... at least for us."
"I see, Garrus. Do I spy some envy in your eyes?"
"Envy, me? Nooooo. Why would I envy them, when I got the chance to spend years doing things by the book in C-Sec?"
"Well, whoever they send, they better be good at dealing with synthetics."
"Trust me, they'll be... wait a moment, I am receiving something... What?"
"Hmmmmm... well, this certainly is unconventional. Wait until I tell you who got attached as 'expert advisor' to this mission!"
- Combat Geth on Hydra
- On Gold, mission successful, 5 waves survived
- On Platinum, mission successful
- Map
- Hydra
- Enemy
- Geth
- Characters & Weapons
- Turian Saboteur | M-99 Saber
- Volus Mercenary | N7 Typhoon