Player Details


Team Time on Record
Players Challenge Runs Leaderboard Placements
Anubita | DocSteely | Inert | Sonashii 00:00:36:53 4 1 0
Anubita | Inert | Sonashii | The_Doctor46N7 00:00:22:00 4 1 0
Challenge Runs
ID Difficulty Challenge Series Platform Team Duration Entered By Entered On Link
2134 Platinum Special-Op Reinforcements Project Blackwatch PC Anubita | DocSteely | Inert | Sonashii 00:36:53 01-Jan-21
6678 Platinum Master and Commander Servant of the People PC Anubita | Inert | Sonashii | The_Doctor46N7 00:22:00 01-Jan-21