Challenge Details

- Name
- Subtitle
- N1.2
- Challenge Series
- N7 Challenge Series
- Bonus?
- NO (this challenge is required for series completion)
- Difficulty
- Silver, Gold, Platinum
- Challenge Type
- Solo
- Halls of Fame
- Silver | Gold | Platinum
- Description/Objectives
The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission was created in accrodance with the Armistice ending the Korgan Rebellions. CDEMs patrols oversee the entire Krogan Demilitarization zone. With Humanity playing a more important role in the council, certain highly trained operative now take shifts patrolling the highly dangerous region.
The risk of getting involved in clan Warfare is serious and the CDEM will not enter to save stranded civilians or soldiers in such incidents. What this soldier encounters is much worse than the Klixen...
This challenge goes out to Tupari.
- Map
- Giant
- Enemy
- Reapers
- Characters & Weapons
- N7 Paladin | N7 Crusader