All Challenges

Tales from the Trenches

Challenge Type Difficulty Map Enemy Characters and weapons
Week 13.2 Conrad Verner, Ph.D.
This challenge has other variants
Duo Gold, Platinum Jade

Themed Duo Challenges 2

Challenge Type Difficulty Map Enemy Characters and weapons
Set 8, II Hackett Out
Duo Silver, Gold, Platinum Ghost (Hazard)

Themed Duo Challenges 1

Challenge Type Difficulty Map Enemy Characters and weapons
Set 4.II The Nightmare Becomes Reality
Duo Silver, Gold, Platinum Hydra

Weekly Themed Solos 1

Challenge Type Difficulty Map Enemy Characters and weapons
Week 11 This Hurts You (Casual-Hardcore-Epic)
Solo Silver, Gold, Platinum Glacier (Hazard)
Week 11 This Hurts You (Veteran-Insanity-Legendary)
Solo Silver, Gold, Platinum Hydra

N7 Triune Trials

Challenge Type Difficulty Map Enemy Characters and weapons
N4.5 This Hurts You (Trio)
Trio Gold, Platinum Glacier (Hazard)