Team Details


Name Total Time On Record
Solo Runs Teams Challenge Runs Player Leaderboard Placements Team Leaderboard Placements
Dromedarry 14:51:59 18 1 9 4 0
Challenge Runs
ID Difficulty Challenge Series Platform Team Duration Entered By Entered On Link
1668 Platinum Hold the Line N7 Challenge Series PC Dromedarry 00:48:20 01-Jan-21
2184 Platinum Mordus' Revolutions Weekly Themed Solos 2 PC Dromedarry 00:36:46 01-Jan-21
2205 Gold Depression The Gordian Hour PC Dromedarry 00:19:53 01-Jan-21
2206 Gold Bargaining The Gordian Hour PC Dromedarry 00:21:34 01-Jan-21
2207 Gold Anger The Gordian Hour PC Dromedarry 00:17:35 01-Jan-21
2208 Gold Denial The Gordian Hour PC Dromedarry 00:18:39 01-Jan-21
2426 Gold Acceptance The Gordian Hour PC Dromedarry 00:20:08 01-Jan-21
7424 Platinum For Thessia! Weekly Themed Solos 1 PC Dromedarry 00:31:44 01-Jan-21
7425 Platinum Mordus (Casual-Hardcore-Epic) Weekly Themed Solos 1 PC Dromedarry 00:29:50 01-Jan-21