The Seven Tiers of Neufchatel

1a. Feta and Ricotta Are Rolling

Complete all tiers in a duo on Gold
Time Player
01:42:42 ex-Clusum
01:43:37 TheTechnoTurian
01:46:40 ark_ryv_
01:46:40 Juh0M
01:48:45 AW_FC_1986
01:51:02 frank_is_crank
01:53:30 Pfefferi
01:58:30 DocSteely
01:58:30 The_Doctor46N7
02:02:26 Sonashii
02:02:28 burningcherry97
02:07:00 SenorZanahoria
02:13:47 HamleticTortoise
02:15:41 XAN1_95
02:33:21 Emexxia
02:40:28 MeroNoir
02:45:21 MilkyQuarian
02:59:55 Edorian27
02:59:55 Smehur
03:01:29 N7_Khajiira_GER
03:05:03 ClydeInTheShell
03:05:03 MrsFlyingKebab
03:06:24 marksmad_N7
03:09:00 HowlingSiren