Player Leaderboards

Fight for the Lost

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Captain at War Compete all trio challenges on Platinum Trio Platinum 3
Master and Commander Complete all trio challenges on Gold Trio Gold 6
Unus pro omnibus Complete all duo challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 4

For Tuchanka

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Sparring Partners (Gold) Complete all duo challenges on Gold Duo Gold 14
Sparring Partners (Platinum) Complete all duo challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 7

N7 Challenge Series

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
N1 (Platinum) Completed all challenges in the series on Platinum up to and including the respective N designation Solo Platinum 2
N7 (Gold) Completed all challenges in the series on Gold Solo Gold 36

N7 Triune Trials

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Triune N1 (Platinum) Completed all challenges in the series on Platinum up to and including the respective N designation Trio Platinum 6

Omega on Fire

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Gang Initiated (Gold) Complete all team challenges on Gold Team Gold 7
Gang Initiated (Platinum) Complete all team challenges on Platinum Team Platinum 8

Platinum Solo Achievements

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Asari Expert Platinum solo with every asari of ME3MP (Asari Adept, Asari Vanguard, Asari Huntress, Asari Justicar) Solo Platinum 19
N7 Platinum solo with every class of ME3MP Solo Platinum 37
Spectre Platinum solo against every enemy of ME3MP Solo Platinum 65

Project Blackwatch

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Covert Tactical Expert (Gold) Complete all duo challenges on Gold Duo Gold 22
Covert Tactical Expert (Platinum) Complete all duo challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 8
Palaven's Finest (Gold) Complete all team challenges on Gold Team Gold 20
Palaven's Finest (Platinum) Complete all team challenges on Platinum Team Platinum 11
Primarch's Selection (Gold) Complete all trio challenges on Gold Trio Gold 35
Primarch's Selection (Platinum) Complete all trio challenges on Platinum Trio Platinum 9

Servant of the People

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Heretics (Gold) Complete all duo challenges on Gold Duo Gold 16
Heretics (Platinum) Complete all duo challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 9
Prime (Platinum) Complete all trio challenges on Platinum Trio Platinum 12

Tales from the Trenches

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Trench Platinum Medal Individuals that completed the entire series on Platinum Duo Platinum 5

The Seven Tiers of Neufchatel

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
1a. Feta and Ricotta Are Rolling Complete all tiers in a duo on Gold Duo Gold 24
2. San Joaquin Gold Complete all tiers solo on Gold Solo Gold 18
4a. Anything from Gruyere to Brie Complete all tiers in a duo on Platinum Duo Platinum 11
5. Parmigiano's Best Complete all tiers solo on Platinum Solo Platinum 5
7. Gouda Stuff Soldier Complete all tiers solo and in a duo on both Gold and Platinum 3

Themed Duo Challenges 1

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Duos 1 Platinum Medal Complete all challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 13

Themed Duo Challenges 2

Name Conditions Challenge Type Difficulty Entries
Duos 2 Platinum Medal Complete all challenges on Platinum Duo Platinum 9